Michela Minotti – Beyond. Ceramic Sculptures.

November 6 – 14, 2010
Tuscania, Italy

Italian Ceramics - Artworks by Michela MinottiI read about this exhibition on the Internet and I decided to go, regardless of my knowing nothing about the artist. A ceramic art exhibition near Viterbo, the place where I currently live, is a seldom occurrence. Plus, Tuscania is a charming destination.

I drove there with a sense of excitement because I had absolutely no idea of what I was about to see. I cherish the lack of expectations. It’s a blessed state of mind.

The exhibition was in a beautiful spot: a handsomely shaped, ancient warehouse, encased into the city walls. I watched a short video, featuring the artist, Michela Minotti, using the Raku technique to fire her pieces. Then I had a close look at her pieces. Finally I met her.

Italian Ceramics - Artist Michela MinottiI had a long list of questions to ask. Luckily, Michela was very happy to talk about her work.

She started with a statement: “I’m fascinated by Architecture”. Indeed, her latest ceramic sculptures are dominated by an architectural module, a recurrent formal pattern that she develops in individual works or juxtaposes to plain surfaces.

To her, Architecture is the rational frame of an ideal creative space. She dedicated her exhibition to Bruno Zevi, a most important Italian architect, who wrote “There is no thought without a language”.

I particularly loved four works that were displayed in the middle of the main room, on short stands. Only partly glazed, they released a positive energy that I figured was due both to their shape and to the mixture of burnished and glazed surfaces. I thought they were huge seeds… “Almost there”, said Michela. They were embrios, starting to develop their own personality and path in life.

Michela uses fire clay for her works, a rough material that is perfect to enhance her architectural perspectives and textures.

I thank Michela for taking the time to show me the details of her work. I wish her all the best. It takes a lot of courage to be a ceramic artist in Italy. Even more so in the area around Rome, where the opportunities are scarce. We’ll soon mention her again for her participation to a Italian Ceramic Art event in Lithuania. Well done!!!

Magazzini delle Lupa
Via della Lupa 4, Tuscania
Fri. and Sat – 4 pm to 7 pm
Sunday – 11 am to 1 pm – 4 pm to 7 pm
Ph: 0039 0761 443239
Email: magazzinidellalupa@libero.it,

One thought on “Michela Minotti – Beyond. Ceramic Sculptures.

  1. Hello! We were visiting Tuscany and saw one if Michela Minotti’s works in a store window. Unfortunately, the store was closed. It was a small plate with an art deco style tree. Is there any way I might be able to get in touch with her?

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