Giuliana Cusino – Fairies

Until November, 2010
Avigliana – Italy

Italian Ceramics - Storie della mela - "Perché la mela proibita?" - 2010 - cm 50x70 - Photo credits: Giuliana CusinoGiuliana Cusino’s works have been often described as ceramic drawings, both for the technique she uses – she makes almost bi-dimensional raku figures and applies them on wooden panels – and for her naïve style.

A new talent in Italian ceramics, the artist has been working for a long time as a writer and illustrator of children’s books, a job and a passion that has strongly enhanced her gift for impactful and natural communication, only apparently unsophisticated.

Italian Ceramics - Storie della mela - "Dormi a lungo sognando un bacio..." - 2010 - cm 63x80 - Photo credits: Giuliana CusinoThis exhibition is about Fairies, magic creatures, women whose wisdom is rooted in time and in their understanding of Nature. Realism and imagination go hand in hand in Giuliana Cusino’s work, that cannot hide its longing for absolute formal and spiritual freedom.


Fate. Ceramiche raku di Giuliana Cusino
Arte per Voi and Dante Selva Officina d’Arte
Piazza Conte Rosso 1, Avigliana (Turin)
Opening hours: Fri. thru Sun. from 3 pm to 7 pm

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