The Pottery Route. Renaissance majolica from Marche and Umbria.

June 16, 2010 – January 30, 2011
Gubbio – Italy

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The Pottery Route evokes the geographic and artistic connection among Deruta, Gubbio, Castel Durante (now Urbania), Urbino and Pesaro, which were important pottery making hubs during the Renaissance. And so most of them are now.

At the time the route was actually very busy. Artists and merchants traveled from one village to the other to trade their talent or their goods.
Gubbio enjoyed a strategic position on the trail because it belonged to the Duke of Urbino, who owned most of the Marche and was known to encourage and protect Arts, but it was located near Perugia and Deruta, which had their own peculiar artistic style

As the exhibition curator Ettore Sannipoli points out, the pottery made in Gubbio is the ideal mirror of the differences and the similarities between Renaissance ceramics from the east coast and the ones from the west coast. Indeed, the artists working in Gubbio were influenced by Deruta pottery in the decades between the end of the 15th century and the beginning of the 16thcentury. After that time they had a closer relationship with their colleagues from Castel Durante and Urbino.

The exhibition is located in the magnificent Palazzo Ducale and features more than 150 works, some of them on public display for the first time.

The Pottery Route
Palazzo Ducale – Gubbio
Info : Associazione Maggio Eugubino
Phone: 0039 075 9273912  – 9275872