Pottery in Raphael’s time

April 11-12-13, 2009
Urbania – Italy

An educational talk and guided tour will focus on the close relationship between Renaissance art in Urbino and Casteldurante pottery.

During the Renaissance the Duchy of Urbino, whom Casteldurante (now Urbania) belonged to, was known to be a most fertile background for Arts. The Dukes of Urbino ruled over a rich court, with broad cultural interests, that attracted a variety of artists.

Already well known in the previous centuries for their good quality earthenware production, after 1520 the local potters specialized in the making of istoriato majolica, that was to become a worldwide symbol of Italian Renaissance pottery. They were certainly encouraged by the enlightened attitude of the Dukes from Urbino and inspired by the success of the figurative painters working at Court.

In parallel with the large exhibition celebrating Raphael – Raffaello & Urbino, Urbino, April 5-July 12 – a guided tour in the old Casteldurante will introduce visitors to the beauty of Renaissance ceramics and show them the cultural environment that made them possible.

The tour will include a visit to a 16th century pottery factory, the Oratorio del Corpus Domini, churches hosting Renaissance art works, Palazzo Ducale, the City Museum and the Diocesan Museum and pottery making workshops.

Pottery in Raphael’s time
Meeting in Piazza del Mercato at 10 am (till approx 12 am)
Price Euro 25.00
Reservation is required
Info: Coop. CastelduranteCulturaCeramica
Ph: 0722 317644 (tutto il giorno)
Email: didattica@culturaceramica.it