Silvio Vigliaturo Ceramic Works

Already Italian ceramics - work by Silvio Vigliaturofamous for his colorful glassworks, Silvio Vigliaturo has recently made his début in clay shaping with a solo exhibition at the Castellamonte Ceramic Festival.

His collection of large sized sculptures – up to 2.5 meters – had a highly emotional content.
As written by Vittorio Sacco in his presentation of the event, Vigliaturo has taken on him the task of developing a contemporary language for one of the oldest traditions in the history of the human civilization.

An objective to be proud of. The Italian ceramic artistic tradition, so rich and rooted in our heritage, badly needs to be revitalized and re-launched both in Italy and abroad.

All the pictures published in this article are kindly provided by the Museum of Contemporary Art “Silvio Vigliaturo”, in Acri – Calabria.