Pottery Exhibition in Deruta – “Sins”

November 21 -29
Deruta – Italy

The Seven Deadly Sins are the subject of a very interesting – and short – pottery exhibition that is about to open in Deruta.

The theme is fascinating, indeed, and so is the idea to explore it from different points of view.

The central event will be the exhibition of ceramic works made by Attilio Quintili, Patrizio Chiucchiù and Daniele Buschi, who are the founders of the art movement “The Ceramixti”.

Around their art works, experts in theology, ethics, psychology, art history and philosophy will offer their own interpretation of the Capital Vices. The program is enhanced by the final concert held by Fakhraddin Gafarov, a famous tar player from Azerbaijan.

Chiesa di Sant’Antonio
Piazza Benincasa
Opening Hours: 10 am  to 1 p.m. – 3 to 7 pm
Ph: 0039 075 972121