We beg your pardon for our looooong absence from our Journal.
Working on thatsArte.com development has absorbed more time than we ever thought possible!
Now, we definitely need to find a better formula to manage our time. It’s just Manuela and I, though. And since it’s not in our plans to hire someone or to copy and paste articles from other Internet sites, I guess we’ll have to cope with writing less regularly while keeping up with the quality job we’ve tried to do so far.
We do hope in your understanding and, why not, in your help!
If you have in mind a special subject related to Italian pottery you’d like read about in our Journal or a story, an experience, an article you’d like to share with us, please, send us a message at info@thatsarte.com or a comment on the Journal.
One thing will never change, though: we’ll always be happy to share with our readers our passion!