Ceramic Art Galleries at the Museum

Until November 4, 2010
Faenza – Italy

Italian Ceramics - Lovers by Leoncillo Leonardi - glazed terracotta - 1954 - Photo credits: www.dorotheum.comThe International Museum of Ceramics (MIC) in Faenza is hosting an original art event. Eight Art Galleries have been invited to display their collections of modern ceramic works in the new 20th century building.

The list of the artists is impressive: James Brown, Walter Cascio, Giacinto Cerone, Giosetta Fioroni, Mirella Guasti, Luca Lanzi, Leoncillo, Luigi Mainolfi, Renato Meneghetti, Aldo Mondino, Antonello Santè P., Germano Sartelli, Nanni Valentini, Antonio Violetta, Sergio Zanni.

Some of the artists are already represented in the permanent collections of the Museum, while others are featured for the first time.

MIC is the largest and most representative museum of Ceramics in Italy. Its mission is to establish Ceramics as a primary form of Art and one of its key strategies is an active support for contemporary International and Italian Ceramic Art, especially since the expansion of the original buildings. In addition to the International competition of contemporary Ceramic Art and the continuous enhancement of its contemporary and modern collections, the museum management is looking for innovative initiatives to reach its goal.

This event is a clear step in this direction and also a call to action, encouraging collectors, merchants, curators and other museums to join effort and work together.

We cheer the initiative on. Our country is lagging behind most European countries – not to mention the States – in the promotion of Ceramic Art. Especially Italian contemporary ceramics do need support to achieve the visibility they deserve.

The participating galleries are: Galleria Arte e Arte, Galleria d’Arte Cinquantasei, Galleria De’ Foscherari, Galleria Forni, L’Ariete artecontemporanea, Galleria Stefano Forni, Galleria Studio G7,  Galleria Spazio Gianni Testoni La 2000+45.

Gallerie al Museo
Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche
Viale Baccarini n°19, Faenza
Phone: 0039 0546 697311
Email: info@micfaenza.org