Introducing high end Italian knives from Scarperia

In the last few weeks we’ve been working really hard on a new, very exciting project: high end Italian knives.

Actually the project is not really “new” as it started in the Summer of 2011, when I drove to Scarperia to see in person what was left of the city’s century old knife making tradition. As usual I had done my homework: I had read all I could find about the knife makers who have resisted the siren call of mass production and decided to stay small and keep the high standards of their craftsmanship.

I walked the main street of this charming Medieval town where all the well-regarded knife makers have their stores. That was awesome: unlike ceramics where a hesitation in the hand of the painter is considered a sign that the product is handmade, handcrafted knives are so perfect in every detail that is really hard to believe that a man, however talented, can achieve such a high degree of precision.

I decided to meet two of the artisans whose craftsmanship I had been struck by: Andrea Berti of Coltellerie Berti and Pietro Consigli of Consigli Cutlery. I met them, visited their workshops and the choice was made.

Their knives are absolutely stunning. We’ve just added to our website the steak knives by Berti and we are working of his kitchen knives, but much more needs to be done to provide you with a full picture of the stunning work of the knife makers from Scarperia. Wait and see … you won’t regret it!

By Tiziana Manzetti